What should you look for when it comes to a quality wall bed? The truth is that not all wall beds are made the same. There is a difference in price, and that is usually based on the absence or presence of quality details. The Amish collection presents exceptional value for unsurpassed quality. Here’s what […]

When you have just a small amount of space but big ideas about how to use it, the Sagebrush Cabinet Bed comes to the rescue! Its small footprint means you can add an extra bed encased in a beautiful wood cabinet almost anywhere in your home. Why Choose the Sagebrush Cabinet Bed Over a Murphy […]

No doubt you have heard the sentiment that it is important to make time for what you love, whether that’s a person, a hobby or a way to treat yourself. But what about making space for what you love? That’s the advantage of a Murphy bed over a regular bed – it allows you to […]

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