Category: Cabinet Beds

Did you know? Cabinet or chest beds are a great way to add a comfy bed to nearly any room in your home and save tons of space. But beyond that, you may not be aware of several details and features that most, if not all, solid hardwood, quality cabinet beds have in common. Here […]

You may have heard a lot recently about Murphy wall beds and how they help homeowners save space and provide organizational tools. But what do you know about their cousins, the cabinet beds? Like a wall bed, these models hide a mattress, but they also have numerous key differences. You may decide a cabinet bed […]

Today, nearly everything we own is smart, from our phones to our heating systems and even our refrigerators. But what might not be so prevalent is smart space design. While a smart space in the home or office might be characterized by its technological components, smart space design is concerned more with the logistics of […]

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