Tag: minimalist design

Does clutter make you crazy? Does dusting drive you daft? If a collection of items out in the open and lots of accessories makes you feel overwhelmed, you are not alone and you may just be the perfect candidate for minimalism throughout your home. In this article we examine the principles behind this home décor […]

When we were in the thick of the pandemic, many of us spent a lot of time in our homes. That gave us the opportunity to examine our belongings to determine what was really important and what could easily be given away. Out of that process came the realization that we could live without a […]

In times past (we’re talking about you 60s, 70s and 80s) the trend for interior décor was cluttered and frankly, overdone. In today’s contemporary-styled home, minimalist interior design is preferred. In order to accomplish this style, it’s important to select furnishings that perform double or even triple duty. Here are several ways that foldaway guest […]

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